Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Striaght A`s

It is only smart people can get all A`s?
i don`t think so. Everyone can get straight A`s. It depends on how that person look towards exam. For me, i look exam as a test for me, testing how much i have understand the subjects.
If u ask me, how do u study? Then i`ll say, "just understand the passage." Actually, when we are studying, we are not memorizing it, we are actually understanding it, understand and then keep it in our memory. Many things and subjects like ES, Workshop Technology, i just read through and try to get what they are saying. I`m not saying that i`m clever, i`m just trying to say that, to get good result in exam, we need to concentrate on class. It is important for us to listen first then do than do first and listen the second. This is like typing a document into a Micosoft Word. We listen to it first, we`ll get the idea more easily. But if we reverse the process, we`ll like typing all the errors into a wordpad, then take time to correct it. When we are at home, try to review the notes again. It will be like saving the wordpad that we have finished typing.
this is something that i can share with u......

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