Monday, January 11, 2010


Do you feel that sometime when u watch a taiwan celebrity show, you found out that actually, the "Lady" and the "Gentleman" there are sucks and......?

I do reallies that "taiwan" girls and boys, 1/10 is very foolish and not having a brain likely...They are like living inside their own world, have no faith in themselves and they are not awak when they are inside a relationship with others. Like the girls, they can do anything just to please their boyfriend(including having sexual intercourse with his boyfriend`s FRIEND under his boyfriend instruction) and give out all their money to their boyfriend even they are not working. And the GENTLEMAN is even worst, they take everything from their girlfriend like granted.

Is the world really like that while you`re having your own rights to claim what you really need and what you deserve to have? And is it not possible to please your partner with another kind of things? Shouldn`t we deserve the respect as a living things, a rightful person? There are a lots of question there and there is only one point-
Be yourself and never turn to be a slave, even that person is your husband or wife.

It is a must for us to be filial to our parents, but it is not our responsibility to please our partner in a wrong manner. Be the owner to your own.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


After watching the movie "Avatar", i started to think of how the world be looked like if the world is a network that connect endless of life and, every living things has a USB connector to gain access to the network...?

Shouldn`t it be very tempting? There is a scene where Sully ask the Eywa to look into the scientist memory and see the Earth, he said our earth is covered with grey and every plant is abolished. We should remember that we are just a dust in the universe and we`re only living in a world own by the nature. We have no rights to take over the life of our nature and construct our imaginary metal base living ground.

I think the movie is sending a message whereby we all had forgotten the life of living in a green surrounding. Doesn`t it beautiful if you`re living in such a place whereby you can actually breath in zero pollution air and having a non-contaminated water to run through your throat? In order to achieve advance technology, is it necessary for us to kill all the flora? Things can be done in a better way and solutions are always there. It is just a matter of time for human to discover, review, and found the different ways of solution.

There are no hard things in the world, the only matter is the will to do the job.

Friday, December 11, 2009

If Possible Then

If and Only if ......
One phrase which people do know what it means, but seldom work on it. Things aren`t to be easy if and only if we don`t want to deal with it,Right?

Recently felt that i`m like grown up, looking better into the world now......last time i was entertained by a title, "What is the most precious thing in the world?" what is your opinion, is it love? friendship? family? i don`t think it is one of them. the most precious thing is our brain! it is more like a super-ultra-computer that process all the information in our head.

but i don`t think you`ll agree with what i said. but, go to root of the idea, everything comes out from our thoughts, our actions, speaking, learning, the ability to analyse problems and even our feeling are come from our mind. Shouldn`t it be the most precious thing?

Saturday, November 7, 2009


人该向前望。就像中五学的那首"The Road Not Taken"一样。决定了要走的路,就不要再回头!就不要再回头,也不要去幻想另一条路会带来什么样的结果。


Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Striaght A`s

It is only smart people can get all A`s?
i don`t think so. Everyone can get straight A`s. It depends on how that person look towards exam. For me, i look exam as a test for me, testing how much i have understand the subjects.
If u ask me, how do u study? Then i`ll say, "just understand the passage." Actually, when we are studying, we are not memorizing it, we are actually understanding it, understand and then keep it in our memory. Many things and subjects like ES, Workshop Technology, i just read through and try to get what they are saying. I`m not saying that i`m clever, i`m just trying to say that, to get good result in exam, we need to concentrate on class. It is important for us to listen first then do than do first and listen the second. This is like typing a document into a Micosoft Word. We listen to it first, we`ll get the idea more easily. But if we reverse the process, we`ll like typing all the errors into a wordpad, then take time to correct it. When we are at home, try to review the notes again. It will be like saving the wordpad that we have finished typing.
this is something that i can share with u......

Monday, October 19, 2009
